Corporate Social Responsibility

Environmental Responsibility

Manica Boards & Doors makes a concerted effort towards environmental stewardship through partnerships with major timber growers and individuals who own plantations within the Manicaland region. The company has been involved in an out-grower program since 1996 to plant gum trees, and to date, 3 270 hectares of gum trees have been planted. This is run under the theme’ A tree today contributes to tomorrow’s forests’’.


Sustainability commitment

By actively participating in reforestation efforts and supporting sustainable timber harvesting practices, Manica Boards & Doors aims to offset the negative impacts of timber harvesting. Additionally, the organization only uses timber from sustainably managed forests, which indicates a commitment to responsible sourcing. It also participate in the rehabilitation and maintenance of the forest roads to ensure use of safe roads and prevention of land degradation.

Our community

Giving back to the community is a key element of Manica Boards & Doors’ culture. The organisation positively motivates the training of foresters and wood technologists through partnering with the Forestry Training College.  The company offers industrial training to the students and recognizes best performers with awards. Coupled with promoting education, this also promotes the sustainability of the timber resource. The organisation also reaches out to many institutions in Manicaland with donations of ceiling boards and doors amongst other products from the full board product range.

Our employees

In line with the organisation’s mission to offer its employees a rewarding work experience and environment, the organisation also assist employees to access decent home environments by negotiating with local authorities to get stands.  In early 1990s the company assisted employees to get houses through the bank in Chikanga Phase 3, Mutare. Currently employees are acquiring stands through joining housing cooperatives and the company facilitates stop order facilities with the cooperatives.